helt (u)naturligt

En fotoserie af Ursula Teodora Moeran, stud.psych.

En billedserie med indblik i elementer fra hverdagen, der ikke forekommer naturligt. Om de er importeret, designet, umulige at undgå, eller et helt opfundet begreb, er de blevet en del af hvordan vi oplever vores omverden, vores habitat, vores natur.  






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“Civilised man refused to adapt himself to his environment. Instead, he adapted his environment to suit him. So, he built cities, roads, vehicles, machinery, and he put up powerlines to run his labour-saving devices.  

But somehow, he didn’t know when to stop.   

The more he improved his surroundings to make his life easier, the more complicated he made it. So now his children are sentenced to ten to fifteen years of school, just to learn how to survive in this complex and hazardous habitat they were born into. And civilised man, who refused to adapt himself into his natural surroundings, now finds that he has to adapt and re-adapt himself, every day and every hour of the day, to his self-created environment.” 

 - Citat fra The God’s Must Be Crazy (1980)